April 12, 1861: Civil War Officially Started, With Firing on Fort Sumter in Charleston, SC

“At 4:30 a.m. on April 12, 1861, Confederate forces fired on Fort Sumter, a federal fort built on an artificial island in Charleston Harbor. Attacking the fort seemed a logical outcome of events that had been in play for at least four months.” — Heather Cox Richardson reminds us of the momentous events, well worth reading. Click.

“Their move had come because the elite enslavers who controlled those southern states believed that Lincoln’s election to the presidency in 1860 itself marked the end of their way of life.”

The comments below HCR’s letter from readers are profound. Click.

Parallels to today?

Does any American believe that the re-election of Joe Biden or Donald Trump represents “the end of their way of life”? Yes, they do. In that sense we today are in danger of falling into civil war.

Some white supremacists believe they will soon be outnumbered by minorities and illegal immigrants and somehow end their way of life. They believe that they are better than others and that they, and Trump, have a divine right to rule. A few wealthy men should rule over the rest of society.

Some progressive-minded people believe fiercely that Trump supporters, a minority of the American people, will execute the end of American democracy and impose an authoritarian or even totalitarian government on the majority. They will lose the national popular vote by millions, but could assume power through the antiquated electoral college by winning about 80,000 more votes in three states.

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