The Medici – Godfathers of the Renaissance

Tsenka Stoycheva: "From a small Italian community in 15th century Florence, the Medici family would rise to rule Europe in many ways. Using charm, patronage, skill, duplicity and ruthlessness, they would amass unparalleled wealth and unprecedented power. They would also ignite the most important cultural and artisitc revolution in Western history- the European Renaissance. But … Continue reading The Medici – Godfathers of the Renaissance

British Empire, 1497-1776 in 10 Minutes

History Matters "covers the birth and rise of the British Empire from the reign of Henry VII all the way to the American Revolution. The first part deals with the Tudors and their response to empire in Spain (as well as the Spanish Armada). The second part deals with England's (and later Britain's) establishment of … Continue reading British Empire, 1497-1776 in 10 Minutes

Shocking Origins of the Spanish Inquisition in the 1400s Chronicle Medieval History: Spain, 1468: In a land where Christians, Muslims, and Jews have lived in tolerance for centuries, a young Spanish king and queen, Ferdinand II Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, proclaim themselves the Catholic monarchs and start an inquisition, now known as the Spanish Inquisition. This is the shocking story of … Continue reading Shocking Origins of the Spanish Inquisition in the 1400s

Suleiman The Magnificent Represented Golden Age of Ottoman Empire

Suleiman I (1494-1566), "commonly known as Suleiman the Magnificent in the West and Suleiman the Lawgiver in his realm, was the tenth and longest-reigning Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 until his death in 1566. Under his administration, the Ottoman caliphate ruled over at least 25 million people." Wikipedia. He codified a centralized legal system … Continue reading Suleiman The Magnificent Represented Golden Age of Ottoman Empire

Ugly History: 1937 Haitian Massacre Ted-Ed: "When historians talk about the atrocities of the 20th century, we often think of those that took place during and between the two World Wars. But two months before the Rape of Nanking in China, and a year before Kristallnacht in Germany, a horrific ethnic cleansing campaign occurred on an island between the … Continue reading Ugly History: 1937 Haitian Massacre

What Machiavellian Really Means Ted-ed: "From Shakespeare’s plays to modern TV dramas, the unscrupulous schemer for whom the ends always justify the means has become a familiar character type we love to hate. For centuries, we’ve had a single word to describe such characters: Machiavellian. But is it possible that we’ve been using that word wrong this whole … Continue reading What Machiavellian Really Means

Historical Myths, Legends or Lies. Darwin Scholar Corrects the Record

"When Columbus sailed, everybody believed the earth was flat."The myth was created by Washington Irving in 1828. "Isaac Newton discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head.""Charles Darwin observed Darwin's finches and discovered evolution." This was actually popularized in 1947 by David Lack in his book Darwin's Finches."Thomas Edison invented the light bulb." No, he did not. … Continue reading Historical Myths, Legends or Lies. Darwin Scholar Corrects the Record

A Short History of the Muslim Moors in Morocco and Spain Zouhair ISKSIOU. 52-minute documentary. "The term Moor is an exonym first used by Christian Europeans to designate the Muslim inhabitants of the Maghreb, the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily and Malta during the Middle Ages. The Moors initially were the indigenous Maghrebine Berbers. The name was later also applied to Arabs and Arabized Iberians." Wikipedia