Ugly History: 1937 Haitian Massacre Ted-Ed: "When historians talk about the atrocities of the 20th century, we often think of those that took place during and between the two World Wars. But two months before the Rape of Nanking in China, and a year before Kristallnacht in Germany, a horrific ethnic cleansing campaign occurred on an island between the … Continue reading Ugly History: 1937 Haitian Massacre

Historical Myths, Legends or Lies. Darwin Scholar Corrects the Record

"When Columbus sailed, everybody believed the earth was flat."The myth was created by Washington Irving in 1828. "Isaac Newton discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head.""Charles Darwin observed Darwin's finches and discovered evolution." This was actually popularized in 1947 by David Lack in his book Darwin's Finches."Thomas Edison invented the light bulb." No, he did not. … Continue reading Historical Myths, Legends or Lies. Darwin Scholar Corrects the Record

Debates: History Vs. Christopher Columbus TED: "Many people in the United States and Latin America have grown up celebrating the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s voyage. But was he an intrepid explorer who brought two worlds together or a ruthless exploiter who brought colonialism and slavery? And did he even discover America at all? Alex Gendler puts Columbus on the … Continue reading Debates: History Vs. Christopher Columbus

Reckoning With Monuments to Columbus, Washington, Other Slave-holding Founders Since the Mother Emanuel Church murders by a white supremacist in Charleston, S.C. in 2015, more than 100 Confederate statues have been "dishonorably discharged" from public spaces. Since the murder of George Floyd in May, 2020, the number of statues targeted as "racist or oppressive" has "expanded well beyond the civil war South," CBS … Continue reading Reckoning With Monuments to Columbus, Washington, Other Slave-holding Founders

Borgias Played Critical Role in Protestant Reformation, Renaissance, Colonialism, Columbian Exchange In this video, Ryan Reeves, (PhD Cambridge) an Associate Professor of Historical Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, explains why the Borgia dynasty is, after more than 500 years, "remembered even today as something of a soap opera." Popularized by a three-season TV series on various streaming services, the Borgias had a reputation … Continue reading Borgias Played Critical Role in Protestant Reformation, Renaissance, Colonialism, Columbian Exchange

Italian Americans Were Once Discriminated Against Almost As Much As African Americans

One can understand why Italian-Americans still cherish Columbus Day. They faced "vicious bigotry, reluctant acceptance" when they first came to America and achieved a significant political victory and the beginning of mainstream acceptance in 1892 when Columbus Day was first declared, Brent Staples writes in The New York Times. "Darker-skinned southern Italians endured the penalties … Continue reading Italian Americans Were Once Discriminated Against Almost As Much As African Americans

Columbus Day: Still Worth Celebrating?

Some American states and localities still observe a holiday around October 12 every year to Christoffa Corombo‘s contribution to world exploration. But in other places, it has become Indigenous People's Day. Click. The national consensus that Columbus was an unmarred hero has been lost. Debate: Is Columbus Day Worth Celebrating? Give 10 reasons for, and 10 reasons … Continue reading Columbus Day: Still Worth Celebrating?

1491: America and Europe Before Columbus In this National Geographic documentary from 2016, "History books traditionally depict the pre-Columbus Americas as a pristine wilderness where small native villages lived in harmony with nature. But scientific evidence tells a very different story: When Columbus stepped ashore in 1492, millions of people were already living there. America wasn't exactly a "New World," … Continue reading 1491: America and Europe Before Columbus