Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia Have Deep Roots in American History. Writers Seek to Counteract Bigotry

Given the unprecedented, staggering rise in anti-semitism and anti-Muslim behavior in the U.S. since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, historian and author Dan Gardner points out on his Substack that Henry Ford, inventor of the mass production assembly line technique and founder of Ford Motor Company, led a movement of anti-Semites in the early … Continue reading Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia Have Deep Roots in American History. Writers Seek to Counteract Bigotry

Arabs Before Islam: Religion, Society, Culture

Kings and Generals: Before the rise of Islam in 610 A.D., Arabia was mostly composed of nomadic tribes called Bedouins, some of whom maintain that lifestyle today. They had "constantly shifting alliances, never-ending warfare, and rare occurrences of organized and centralized statehood. These tribes placed heavy emphasis on kin-related groups..." Religions were polytheism, paganism, … Continue reading Arabs Before Islam: Religion, Society, Culture

Medieval Middle East and the Arab Empires: A Complete Overview

Made in History: "The Medieval Middle East video goes through the post-classical Middle East and the emergence of the Arab Empires. It begins with the early Bedouin culture and the rise of Islam. It follows the early Rashidun Caliphate and its expansion under the early caliphs, before delving into the Umayyad expansions into Western and … Continue reading Medieval Middle East and the Arab Empires: A Complete Overview

The Incredible Journey of Medieval Adventurer Ibn Battuta

Heroes and Legends: "When most people are asked to name an epic traveller from history, they usually come up with names like Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Magellan, or any number of other well-known European explorers and adventurers that come to mind. Very few could name an explorer or traveler outside the realm of medieval and … Continue reading The Incredible Journey of Medieval Adventurer Ibn Battuta

Establishment of All India Muslim League in 1906

Learning with Aisha Factors led to the formation of Muslim League, it's objectives and impacts. Insightful Text "After the creation of the Indian National Congress and its time as a ‘representative’ party for the people of the Indian sub-continent, there was felt a need to reassess its claims at unbiased representation. From the … Continue reading Establishment of All India Muslim League in 1906

Great Man Theory Applied to Prophet Mohammed + Context of Islamic Conquests in the 700s, from Khan Academy

Beginning with a quote from Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle's book on Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History, the Khan Academy offers the example of the prophet Mohammed, who created a new religion and inspired the Islamic Conquests of the 700s, in examining the Great Men Theory of history. This clip is just 8 minutes, … Continue reading Great Man Theory Applied to Prophet Mohammed + Context of Islamic Conquests in the 700s, from Khan Academy

Shocking Origins of the Spanish Inquisition in the 1400s Chronicle Medieval History: Spain, 1468: In a land where Christians, Muslims, and Jews have lived in tolerance for centuries, a young Spanish king and queen, Ferdinand II Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, proclaim themselves the Catholic monarchs and start an inquisition, now known as the Spanish Inquisition. This is the shocking story of … Continue reading Shocking Origins of the Spanish Inquisition in the 1400s