Chinese Geography and How It Shapes History

GatesOfKilikien is a YouTube channel on Chinese history and geography among other things by an American who grew up bilingual and seeks to make China more understandable and accessible to English-speaking audiences. This 16-minute video introduces Chinese geography and how it has shaped the country's history.

How the Scottish Highlands, the Appalachians, and the Atlas Were Once Connected

by David Walker "The Scottish Highlands, the Appalachians, and the Atlas may seem like very different mountain ranges, but they were once part of the same great chain that spanned the supercontinent Pangaea. This ridge was known as the Central Pangean Mountains and ran from northeast to southwest during the Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic periods. More.

Why Is There A North Carolina and a South Carolina?

Geography By Geoff and Geography Is Everything on Substack: A newsletter about geography, urbanism, and how the world is connected. By Geoff Gibson (host of the popular YouTube channel: Geography by Geoff) and geography professor Hunter Shobe. "North Carolina and South Carolina. Two states began their life as a single province and colony of England. … Continue reading Why Is There A North Carolina and a South Carolina?

Tyranny of the MAP: How Power Brokers, Whether European Colonialists or American Politicians, Use Borders to Manage Conflict

Crash Course Geography: "Borders can bring people together, evoke passion and war, divide, conquer, and solidify power. We’re going to focus on the tyranny of the map which is what happens when those in power draw boundaries in ways that conflict with how people in that place want to be grouped. We’ll look at the … Continue reading Tyranny of the MAP: How Power Brokers, Whether European Colonialists or American Politicians, Use Borders to Manage Conflict

How to Define a ‘Developed Country’ in the Middle East and North Africa?

Crash Course Geography: What does it mean for a place to be "developed"? "Development is often associated with economic success — that is countries with higher standards of living and material wealth like those found in Europe and North America. But as we’ll see, this perspective is only one way to compare countries on the … Continue reading How to Define a ‘Developed Country’ in the Middle East and North Africa?

Essential Questions on Russian Revolution, Khans, Cold War, Ataturk, ETC

Crash Course has now posted "office hours" on Youtube for many of its courses, primarily for students facing E-O-G or AP tests. For world history, host John Green and social studies teacher Cathy Keller answer the following questions: 06:02 Causes and effects of the Russian revolution 15:55 Who was Genghis Khan and how was … Continue reading Essential Questions on Russian Revolution, Khans, Cold War, Ataturk, ETC

Introduction to Empires and Colonialism

Crash Course Geography: "Empire, imperialism, and colonialism are all interrelated tactics of geopolitics that are used to achieve similar goals of one state maintaining economic, political, or even cultural dominance over other territories. Today, we’re going to unravel the impacts of colonialism at different times throughout history from Taiwan to Myanmar as we examine the … Continue reading Introduction to Empires and Colonialism

Medieval British History: Anglo-Saxon Migrations and Genetics

Anglo-Saxons began to migrate from the European continent around 450 A.D. This changed the language and culture of what became England from Romano-British to Germanic. The Germanic-speakers in Britain, themselves of diverse origins, eventually developed a common cultural identity as Anglo-Saxons. More. Anglo-Saxons Explained in 10 MinutesCaptivating History: "There was a time before England was … Continue reading Medieval British History: Anglo-Saxon Migrations and Genetics