Why Did the Protestant Reformation Happen?

Knowledgia: "Why did the Protestant Reformation Happen? ♦ The Protestant Reformation is widely known for Martin Luther’s publication of his “95 Theses” or “Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences” and marks the second schism of sorts for the Catholic church. In reality, the reformation of western Christianity was long in the making, and … Continue reading Why Did the Protestant Reformation Happen?

Suleiman The Magnificent Represented Golden Age of Ottoman Empire

Suleiman I (1494-1566), "commonly known as Suleiman the Magnificent in the West and Suleiman the Lawgiver in his realm, was the tenth and longest-reigning Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 until his death in 1566. Under his administration, the Ottoman caliphate ruled over at least 25 million people." Wikipedia. He codified a centralized legal system … Continue reading Suleiman The Magnificent Represented Golden Age of Ottoman Empire

Time Traveler’s Guides to England in 1300s, 1500s, 1700s, 1800s

British historian Ian Mortimer (website; Wikipedia; Youtube.com) specializes in medieval history. Basing his books on the premise that "the past is a foreign country," he has created a series of books as if humans could travel back in time, and how to prepare for life in another century. He is best known for A Time … Continue reading Time Traveler’s Guides to England in 1300s, 1500s, 1700s, 1800s

How Far Back in Time Could An English Speaker Go and Still Communicate Effectively?

If you traveled back in time more than 500 years, certainly if you went back to the 1500s, you probably could not understand other English speakers and they could not understand you. Today I Found Out: "Contrary to what many a Grammar Nazi the world over would have you believe, language is constantly evolving, occasionally … Continue reading How Far Back in Time Could An English Speaker Go and Still Communicate Effectively?

What Machiavellian Really Means

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUlGtrHCGzs&t=25s Ted-ed: "From Shakespeare’s plays to modern TV dramas, the unscrupulous schemer for whom the ends always justify the means has become a familiar character type we love to hate. For centuries, we’ve had a single word to describe such characters: Machiavellian. But is it possible that we’ve been using that word wrong this whole … Continue reading What Machiavellian Really Means

Michelangelo’s Italy. How Did It Produce Such A Genius?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcENr29rZr0 Michelangelo (1475-1564) was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet of the High Renaissance born in the Republic of Florence. He exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art. European Tour guide Rick Steves offered this lecture by Gene Openshaw, co-author of Rick Steves' Europe 101: History & Art, as he shares … Continue reading Michelangelo’s Italy. How Did It Produce Such A Genius?