Trump Can Remain On Primary Ballots, Supreme Court Rules

Some attorneys interpret the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Donald Trump remaining on the primary ballot to leave open the possibility that Trump could still be barred from a ballot or barred from serving as president if he is convicted of insurrection in a case now pending. If the high court rules by June … Continue reading Trump Can Remain On Primary Ballots, Supreme Court Rules

Atatürk – The father of modern Turkey | DW Documentary

There are a lot of Turks in Germany. To help native Germans understand these relatively recent immigrants since the 1980s, the German broadcasting service DW produced this documentary in 2020. The founder of modern Turkey Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was a revolutionary who was driven by idealism. His "War of Independence" created modern Turkey where … Continue reading Atatürk – The father of modern Turkey | DW Documentary

Turkish President Erdogan, After Two Decades in Power, Wins Another Five-Year Term

Turkey has long been considered a crossroads between East and West, Europe and Asia, democracy and authoritarianism, once a largely secular but now overtly religious society. It just had a critically important election that may essentially mean the end of democracy, if it did not end years ago. PBS News Hour: "Turkish President Recep Tayyip … Continue reading Turkish President Erdogan, After Two Decades in Power, Wins Another Five-Year Term

Istanbul or Constantinople: City of World’s Most Important Walls

TED-Ed: Lars Brownworth in 2012 that "the world owes much of its cultural legacy to Constantinople's walls. When Constantinople was under seige by neighboring enemies, the Roman city's elaborate system of moats, outer walls, and inner walls stood tall. Surviving numerous fire attacks, the walls were eventually brought down by more modern tools of warfare, … Continue reading Istanbul or Constantinople: City of World’s Most Important Walls